Squanderlust is a podcast about the emotional side of money. It is hosted by Martha Lawton and recorded with technical sponsorship at Wardour Studios, London.

Episode 17: Where are we now?

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Show notes

We talk about favourite past episodes, topics coming up in the new series and how recording the show has changed our own relationship to money.

Notable past episodes about:


  • Money A+E - engaging BAME and other excluded groups with money advice and education

  • MyBnk - money for young people

Alex’s favourites:

Martha’s favourites:

We want to know if you’ve had a light-bulb moment or changed your behaviour because of something we said on the show. Please get in touch!

Download the money management spreadsheet Martha has been using.

Our tips:

  • Watch out for these budgeting traps:

    • Don’t lie to yourself about your spending by not writing it down or by putting it through the ‘wrong’ account. No one else is watching, you’re only messing up your own system. When you’re really honest with yourself you make better choices.

    • Don’t get stressed by budgeting/banking apps that tell you ‘it looks like you’re running out of money’. If you know better then ignore them, their algorithms aren’t perfect.

    • Understand that facing the reality of your spending and income can be hard. Be kind to yourself about this.

    • Once you prioritise the spending that’s really important to you, you may find you have to say ‘no’ to friends and family and this can be uncomfortable. Remember the old saying about mind over matter: “The one’s that matter won’t mind and the ones that mind don’t matter”.

    • Don’t forget to put in a budget line for the things you don’t buy every month. For example birthday presents or household repairs.

  • Remember when you create a new budget that it’s an experiment and you can adapt and change it as you go along to make it work better for you. Don’t expect to fix everything in the first month.

Please send us your thoughts and stories about anything we’ve discussed so far or any suggestions for things we could talk about related to the emotional side of money. You can contact us here.

Episode 18: All up in the drama

Episode 16: Mind Over Money